Oct 16, 2009

Adam's Adventures

Well, our week with Adam is coming to a close. It has been fun to have a little one around, but I must admit that I'd forgotten how much chasing they require. We've spent time in the canyons, gone to the library, strolled around the neighborhood, and went to Thanksgiving Point. Allie is going to choose the photos from the week to share with everyone.

Yesterday was spent at Thanksgiving Point. They are celebrating Halloween with some fun activities for the kids. We chose to spend the day in Farm Country at their Barnyard Boo festival. Allie and Jaan chose to have their faces painted, Kamran opted out and Adam was scared of the paintbrush, so he ended up with an orange smudge on his forhead instead of a pumpkin. The kids all decorated a cookie, fed llamas, laughed at the chickens. We attempted a pony ride but Adam leapt from the saddle into Allie's arms and looked a little put out that we had sat him on the beast. We were caught in the path of the milking cow, that Adam thought was hilarious. Probably because it took me and Allie by complete surprise and had us squealing and giggling.
Highlights of the day would probably be
  • Adam: the calf, he giggled at it and it was the only animal he was interested in petting.
  • Jaan: the pony rides as Allie let him ride the tallest pony.
  • Kamran: Feeding the llamas, he loves that everytime.
  • Allie: Being chased by the milking cow. Followed by a close second; getting her face painted.
We have had a good time with Baby Adam. Thanks to Patricia and Arslan for entrusting us with your most precious commodity.

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